Monday, October 4, 2010

Redeemer Devotions -4 October, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Today we start the week with a new section call "God in Pathos" again from Walter Brueggemann's book "An Unsettling God."
The general dialogic, relational quality of covenantal faith was given special and focused attention by Abraham Heschel in his exposition of YHWH's pathos.  While the notion of of pathos, especially lined out by Heschel, may be taken specifically as the capacity of God to suffer, in fact that implications of Heschel's work is much broader.  It concerns the engagement of YHWH with Israel and with the world, and therefore YHWH's vulnerability and readiness to be impinged upon.  The particular focus of Heschel on God's hurt in the tradition of Hosea and Jeremiah makes abundantly clear that the God of Israel is unlike the God of any scholastic theology and unlike any of the forces imagined in any of the vague spiritualities available among us.  The peculiar character of this God is as available agent who is not only able to act but is available to be acted upon
These are God's people.  It is so important to remember that there is a strong bond between them.  Israel is not left on its own.  Rather, God is in the mix of all things.  That is why there can be grand celebration and deep sorrow and extreme disappointment express by God toward the people God has birthed through covenant.  The God of Israel is so involved in a dialogical relationship with Israel that God's heart is moved.  What the people do or do not do are not distant events.  God is there wrestling with the ones who claim to be God's own but fall down and create pain and sorrow for all the people.   
Connection:  When we speak of the chosen people of God through covenant, we must remember that this is always the case - it cannot be taken from them. Then again, with the notion of chosen come the life that is expect from them.  So even today - like in the days of the great prophets - life that is contrary from the ways of YHWH must be address.  Chosen never can mean - do what you want I am always yours.
O God, whose heart is close to the people, we all long to be brought into the vision of your ongoing Reign.  We want that life that is like bread - that feeds us and encourages us.  Continue to bring us home to you alone.   Amen.

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