Monday, June 27, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - June 27, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week is a continuation from "Let the Bones Dance" in a section named - Dispositions of Adventure: Embodying Ambiguity.
The discordant and melodious metaphors of the body's language are indeed cryptic. But dispositions of adventure take their obscurity as an invitation to seek not control, but surrender, humility, and hope. Dispositions of adventure are open and indeterminate. They trust God to help us live in the gray areas of both our sinfulness and our created goodness. Dispositions of adventure are not afraid of what God's mystery makes possible. These dispositions can spot idolatry and are ready to explode the hold it has on us. Dispositions of adventure have convictions, but avoid the stagnation of unbending dogmatism. 
When there can be so many voices of fear coming out of the church - though I never understand that action - it is so good to hear that 'dispositions of adventure are not afraid of what God's mystery makes possible.' We are the ones who live within the promise of our God who has walked with us in and through all things and then promises to be with us in and through all things that will come. We are not sure how this life will unfold and we will be tempted to be pulled off the way by many powers of the day that do not care about God's Reign or the healing of all things. Never can we be a people who must know anything more than our God will walk with us - even when the way we walk is not a clear path of good and bad. Within the choices of the day we must deal with those 'gray areas' and we must do that with a sense of how our God - in Christ - walked in the midst of just such a world. As this kind of adventurous folks, we learn what it is to hold on and what it is to let go. This simply means that we are free to bend - free to bow - free to stand up - free to say 'yes' or 'no' - free to give ourselves away in humble acts of service for the well-being of others.  Nothing to fear in that - only celebration upon celebration.


Connection:  When we enter an adventure, we do so with a purpose. If it is too rigid, we often enter into warfare with others. If it is too soft, we never put forth a vision. When we are open to inspiration that blows our way, we will find ourselves in new places with a sense of character and grace.


When you draw us into the faithful adventure of life, O God, inspire us to move within the hopefulness of your Reign. Amen.

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