Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - June 29, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Continuing with Marcia W. Mount Shoop.
Dispositions of adventure do not so much feel compelled to draw lines, but seek first to clear spaces for the indwelling of God's effusive Spirit. Humility and confidence are the connective tissue of these dispositions. Such a disposition is humbled by God's elusiveness at the same time that it is emboldened by God's immanence. The body's ambiguity is not so much to be feared, but is to be accepted as part  of the mystery of life. Dispositions of adventure are not afraid to welcome those who stretch the ways we have always thought and done things. These dispositions are hospitable to difference and embrace its challenges At the same time, relativism is not the character of these dispositions. Dispositions of adventure stand firmly in the conviction of a living God who has reconciled us to that life-giving reality.
That simple act of 'clearing spaces for the indwelling of God effusive Spirit' can bring about a change in direction when our lives are being lived under the weight of all the other fires that try to consume us. Clearing spaces within all the running around - that may only be happening in our heads - provides the possibility for viewing what it common and ordinary as brilliantly alive and available. Unfortunately, we too often are not able to see the clear spaces and therefore we are not able to breath in the life that is able to grow there. Instead we spin around - going nowhere and afraid to step out of what has been keeping us spinning.  This disposition of adventure is part of a freedom march beyond the place in which we stand knowing that we may become someone new with each step we take on this adventure in life.


Connection:  Clearing spaces may be as simple as taking a breath or closing our eyes or acting a bit out of character.  In all of these actions, provide us with a way to re-view ourselves in the midst of a new day.


When you draw us into the faithful adventure of life, O God, keep open our hearts that we may be pulled out of old ways and begin to see you present among us taking us into all that you have promised that is not yet. Amen.

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