Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - June 7, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

More on compassion - in "Let the Bones Dance."
Shantideva, an ancient source of wisdom in the Buddhist tradition, imparts to us a beautiful constellation of how compassion orients itself toward the suffering of the world. Compassion focuses on the human condition as such - we all suffer. Compassion does not concern itself with guilt or innocence, but it focuses on suffering itself. Shantideva tells us that clinging to moral dichotomies in the face of suffering only increases suffering. Compassion is always, first and foremost, about the work of acknowledging and alleviating suffering.

Compassion seems to be that power among us that puts us into action for the sake of those who suffer. There is no need to find out what side someone is on - who they represent - where they have been - where they are going. The Samaritan who offered help to the wounded person alongside the road - acted. Done. The one who was beaten did not wait for the Samaritan to show credentials - help! Compassion moves us. Maybe it is one of the necessary gifts needed as we take the steps toward love of enemy. We become so involved in "them" that we are given opportunity upon opportunity to see "them" without the baggage of life's biases. It is then that we can lean toward those who suffer and are in need rather than lean away - or even run away from them. I find it odd that those who suffer often become those others fear. Those on the backside of events - the side that experiences suffering of all forms - are those from whom many run. We also have a way of pointing our fingers at them and making their lives worse by coming up with reasons why they are in their condition. Sometimes there is even some fear that if we come to close to 'them,' their predicament may wipe off on us. So rather than move toward them - we pull back.


Connection:  Can we walk through one day (as a start) and focus on the suffering of others by moving toward them so that we can get to know what is needed? Can we do that before making judgments that we think are right and true?


Gather us as one, O God, so that as we gather together we not only see suffering up close, but we also tend to the wounds of those who suffer. Empower us and give us hearts of compassion. Amen.

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