Friday, July 1, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - July 1, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

I was so caught up on it being my wife's birthday (today, July 1) I forgot to send out yesterday's devotions - duh!  Continuing with Marcia W. Mount Shoop.
 Just as motherhood embodies fragmented subjectivity, dispositions of adventure give and encourage abundant life over time in the midst of contradictions. This, fragmentation is not a problem to be solved but an invitation to let contradictions be part of our identity. One set of experiences is not overdetermined as the trump card of how everyone should be. What is "natural," "instinctual," or "normal" is troubled by the metaphors of motherhood. Mothers nurture, but we also must see our children for the unique creatures that they are. Mothers encourage, but we cannot control. Mother teach and form, but we cannot determine. Maintaining relationship is in the midst  of differences, challenges, and even insults and pain is the adventure of motherhood.
Not being a mother I cannot say this is so. And yet, I also know - from observation - that is is quite so.  It is a good metaphor for our life within the Reigning power of God. "Inviting contradictions to be part of our identity" is no simple task. And yet, it is an essential part of the essence of the body of Christ.  Too often, we do not let that be so.  We work to control - to give answers - to fit - to make sure  there is a bottom line that will somehow prove to someone that we are right and good and worthy to be followed. Baloney!  This metaphor of motherhood is enlightening. And yet, I say that as a man. Maybe it is not so groundbreaking to women.  It is my guess that it may be the same for many of us because we do not give this part of the adventure of our life room to develop and space to unfold outside our control. I find two words in Mount Shoop's writing that are important to me. "Mothers nurture but we must see our children for the unique creatures that they are."  This is not an easy task. Too often, the nurturing turns into control among us. It is vital to the health of the whole body of Christ that we give space to the unique who are among us. There we will learn a bit more about how wide is the Reign of God and what love it takes to allow it all to be one.


Connection:  How do people nurture the unique creatures of our lives? I'm sure we have seen many examples of nuturing and unique creatures - I am sure we have been amazed at the vision of God's Reign that come through for all to see.


When you draw us into the faithful adventure of life, O God, we become involved in the amazing adventure of grace alive and among us. We bless you, O God. Amen.

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