Thursday, July 14, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - July 14, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Today we will move from "Holy Habits" to "Sacred Wounds" in Let the Bones Dance by Marcia W. Mount Shoop.

God's sacred nature is poured into human life when God comes close enough to change a tribe of people in the Exodus account. God is not untouchable, but radically close, close enough to see who they could really be at their best. God seeks relationship, and the sacred is born out of this brush of humanity with the Divine. God's proximity makes Moses shine not just in his own countenance; but this glow shines a light on who humanity is and who we can be at our best: communities built on trust and respect and truth. This best-case scenario that the Law communicates is the founding vision of sacred community in our Judeo-Christian heritage.


Divine storytelling is about the worth of humanity and who we are to be. Out in the wilderness away from all the powers of the world comes a gathering of people who - with nothing going for them - are invited into the very image of God. Once again we hear about the vital place of being relational people. God in relation to us and we then in relation to God and to one another. The Law is merely a reminder of the life that is ours when all the relationships are honored and God's image shines as close by as the people all around us. It could very well be that we don't want to think of God as being so close. When God is among us, that means that our neighbors are not ones we can dismiss because they are a part of the unfolding image of God. In the meantime, we are given the responsibility of loving God as we love neighbor and loving neighbor as we love our God. This is all about life - now - here - each moment - and every day. We are not people  pointing off into the future and anxiously awaiting another day. Rather we are stepping off into the day as people living from day to day within the gracious embrace of God. It is here in the wilderness of our lives that we becomes aware of life lived within the realm of trust.

Connection:  Today is another day to practice - put together that image that is ours.


Here we see ourselves in you, O God of New Life.  Here we wrestle with our shortcomings and are given a vision of your image in the midst of all we do. Again we call on your power of life to sustain us and transform us.  Amen.

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