Monday, July 25, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - July 25, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

More from "Sacred Wounds" in "Let the Bones Dance."

Sacred ground is created not where God is revealed as untouchable, but where God becomes touchable. The sacred is filled up with this purpose. In sacred communities we come close to God. We are touched by God. We are empowered to embody God in the way we live as bodies and as Christ's Body. This proximity to God comes with a distinct character: sacred spaces invite us into a divinely inspired way of being together and of being human. Fear and avoidance in sacred communities keeps us from the depths of God's redemptive promises for us. What if telling the truth really does set us free? What if living a lie really does afflict us?


Unfortunately fear and avoidance is the mode of operation within many communities that claim to be sacred. Fear becomes the glue that seems to hold such communities together. And yet, it is outside of the controlling nature of fear that we really become able to experience our God just in the place where God intends to be revealed - those with whom we live and those who may seem to be enemies. We need not fear our humanity. It is the gift given to us. It is as one human that God touches us through Jesus. This is both the Jesus of the past and the Body of Christ, Jesus, today - God with us as us. Yes, there will be and there are expressions of our lives that fall way short of the creative and loving body given to us by our God, but we continue to move back into the community to see God more and more clearly in those outside of us and even among us when we are a people who confess to how we fall short of being those who are infinitely beloved.  


Connection:  Maybe if we were able and willing to see within the ordinary - the sacred - we would begin to see the reconciling nature of the one we call the Christ, of God and it would be a power available to all.


Here we see ourselves in you, O God of New Life.  Each day is filled with the sacred for nothing is outside the bounds of your blessed Reign. It is here and now that we give you thanks for the life that we are entering and the promise that comes within this day.  Amen.

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