Friday, July 15, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - July 15, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

More from "Sacred Wounds" in Let the Bones Dance by Marcia W. Mount Shoop.

God is trying to carve out a relationship with this group of humans so that they can live to their best potential, so they can live in a world in which life is respected (thou shall not kill), so they can trust each other (thou shall not lie or steal). God urges humanity to know how to work and how to rest and how to live with each other so that everyone's humanity is affirmed. This sacred purpose makes the Law itself sacred.


I find the ten commandments to be a beautiful and liberating gift.It is not a measure. It is not something that is used to make sure we can judge who is right or good and who is wrong and bad. It is a gift to enable us to be truly human - made in the image of God. The moment we turn the commandments into an evaluative tool against other or for us, it becomes common and is not sacred among us. Any set of rules can dictate morality. This gift reminds us of who we are. It reminds us to shine as the beloved of God. It lifts us up to see the creative brilliance that exists as our humanity unfolds in the image of God. We are not being told what we are to do. It is - in some ways - a canvas that bids us to design the gift of life that is handed to all of us in such a manner that our humanity is communal. That is what is so profound here. We are not trying to create an individual mark. This is about all of us together - the light that shines among us so that as we each shine, the whole shines all the more and God is visibly present to the world.

Connection:  You shall live boldly as the beloved of God in the shape and manner of the humanity that is ours.


Here we see ourselves in you, O God of New Life.  You continue to invite us into your realm of glory and all hopefulness and it is there that we find in ourselves what you already see in us - a beloved children. Thanks be to you, O God.  Amen.

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