Monday, December 10, 2012

Redeemer Devotions

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

We are encouraged to keep in mind this God who claims us and eternally loves us.


 I know people who can remember the lyrics to songs - long quotes from books - scenes from movies - all the actors and actresses in movies and television shows. I think that is wild. I'm lucky to remember what I have to do today or how I did the same thing last month or last week. And yet, we are a people who are called to remember. That is what holds us together as a people who say we are faithful to our faithful God. We remember what God as done for us and what God promises to be for us as the day moves along. I'm thankful that in this adventure of remembering - for someone who forgets so easily - we say we count on the Holy Spirit to lead the way and be the power that keeps us on the way.  I count on a very small amount of stuff to pull me through the promises of God. Thank God the load is light and never can be diminished.


O God of love and new life, keep your love shaping all that we are to be. Amen.








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