Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Redeemer Devotions

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

 After a break it is always good to come back to the same old same old _ Joy to the world.


On Christmas eve we held a pageant. It was impromptu. It was urgent (for there was no message planned except for the pageant and all the casting had to be done along with all the stage direction). Well anyway, there was one voice I knew would be there and be consistent and shape the day. On Christmas Eve we hear the Story and it all begins with the Emperor calling a census. But that is not correct. I think Luke was just putting us in a place. Before Augustus even though about counting the people of 'his' empire, There was a voice that was already shaping all what was and all that is and all that will ever be. That voice was being played by our ASL interpreter. His task was to sign: joy to the world! I asked him to show the room how it was signed. He would never speak those words "out loud" - they would simply always be there - always a word people could turn to in the middle of all the mayhem and confusion and celebration that was about to take place. "Joy to the world! That is the Gift of the God who never fails to love us. "Joy to the world" - is life - fullness of life - appreciation of life - love of life in all it shapes - comfort for life - meaning for life - the power to start over and over again for life. In that pageant, like in our world - there are too many voices to hear God's gift to the world. Therefore, we must all remember to take a moment in the middle of all the sounds of life to hear that which we too often do not hear or see: Joy. Yes, joy is meant to be a part of the substance for life that enables us to rest and to hope and to give thanks for all the life around us that God calls holy.


O God of love and new life, it is with joy that we step into this day. It may not be the best of days or the most delightful of days, but you promise to keep bringing in joy - and we bless you for such a gift.   Amen.








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