Thursday, May 15, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for May 15, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

The Reign of God as truthfulness. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as truthfulness calls on folks who understand what it is to be wounded - sore - frustrated - weak - forgotten. For in the realm of truthfulness, we will go through those bits of reality and more. It is not pleasant to experience the truthfulness of God's Reign at all times. Sometimes, this truthfulness is long-awaited and like a breath of fresh air. At other times, it can be experienced as a harsh wind that cuts deeply into our space. The Reign of God as truthfulness it like that two-edged sword - an image used to remind us that no side is free from the way the truth liberates us even when we do not want to be liberated. We are much more appreciative of the truth that will correct and put in place those folks who think or act differently than we do. But let the truth expose us or show us how short we have fallen on our journey of truthfulness and we will resist its words. The Reign of God as truthfulness not only holds up the truth to others - it holds up all truthfulness to all of us. Such truthfulness exposes us and that - that - is what can cause us pain and insist that we step back and look again at the world we are trying to create. Truthfulness always pulls us in front of that mirror that seems to be able to show us all that we are. From there, we are all invited into new life. The Reign of God as truthfulness is not about pointing out our shortcomings, it is all about showing us what is possible within our ordinary lives when we are alive within God's loving domain.


O God of love and new life, as we take this journey into your Reign of Truthfulness, open us up to your vision of life that continues to be transformed ad renewed.   Amen.





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