Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for May 21, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

The Reign of God as spilling forth. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as spilling forth doesn't mean we have to be drenched by its pouring out among us. It may be like that sprinkle that is barely felt. It doesn't take much to make us take a look at the moment at hand in a completely different way. I know that I can go into a meeting expecting it to be less than a good experience. And yet, later - in the middle of things - reality changes and something is spilled out all over the room. It may only be one item in the meeting - but it was worth the wait because it made me change my perspective on the day or other people or myself. The Reign of God as spilling forth is not under our control. We usually have our day and the time within our day and the actions of our day all planned out. That's probably why there is road rage. The Reign of God as spilling forth takes those moments and attempts to grab our attention - like that breakfast drink falling into my lap. We are given a new lens through which we can see the life around us. It may be in that moment that our lives - both for that moment and maybe eternally - are transformed and made new. I know, that sounds like foolishness. I also know that the followers of Jesus have a history of looking and acting foolish to the world around us. That has been what has made other stop and then 'come and see.'


O God of love and new life, free us up to be a bit foolish about the love you have for us and the love we are free to share with all. Amen.





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