Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for May 7, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

The Reign of God as going for it. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as going for it is always the present. It is now that we are able to participate in the healing peace of the promise of God for new life. There are many reasons not to go for it - and yet, God's Reign continues to spread out in front of us and invite us to live anew. Those many reasons not to 'go for it' are the reasons we have been dragging around with us so that they become the things that drag down our lives and make it next to impossible to venture beyond what is - into that which is promised. The Reign of God as going for it may simply be the touch that happens to us - like a gift. At times we all need to be touched by the presence of our God that assures us or reminds us of other ways of living the daring lives of God's people in this time - in this place - in the situations of the day that we enter. The Reign of God as going for it may begin with a hesitation - because hesitation comes quite easily to many of us - and yet God has promised to send the Spirit to help us to breathe in the air of God's Reign and taking it to heart.


O God of love and new life, as we hesitate, hold us and be present with us so that new life may be touched.  Amen.





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