Friday, August 15, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for August 15, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as sinking down. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as sinking down always has a face to it. It is never a faceless being or dream or vision. There is always a face that leads us to others. Too often we may find that we like to be with the ones who are like us or the ones who simply look like us or the ones who look at life just as we do. As we are so involved in adventures of this kind, we miss out on the expansiveness of God's Reign. For as we walk past others - as we do not sink down to be with others - as we live by labels that only serve to separate and create fear, we will keep losing the precious time we could be having within God's Reign. The Reign of God as sinking down is the opportunity to see more and more of the character of that Reign. When we are content to stay in our place or are anxious about moving toward others and meeting them in their space, we not only lose the opportunity to see the wideness of God's love for all, we also are greatly tempted to separate ourselves from those others. That is a great loss to everyone. The Reign of God as sinking down is the reminder that there can always be more who are invited to the table - people we may have to uncover. Also, we may even be the ones to whom some sink down to greet and share a bit of God's graciousness that we may be missing as we stay in our own shell of a life.


O God of love and new life, as we experience your love that knows no end and moves into all of life, remind us to take the leap and follow you as you sink down for the sake of all.   Amen.








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