Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for August 5, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as obvious. If you have any comments - adebelak@redeemerluth.com .


The Reign of God as obvious means that it shows itself all the time. The way of God's Reign - the life into which we are invited to live our lives - is not the same as the way of our country or any country. It is not the way of our club - our congregation - our anything. The Reign of God as obvious always embraces the all even when the all is not a part of what we would call ours. As soon as it becomes ours or as soon as that-over-there is something we want to make ours, we have created a life that is not within the character of God's Reign. Yesterday I mentioned the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. If you happen to be on Facebook, there is a cartoon on display in which societies from the beginning of time are singing "This Land is mine God gave this land to me." Each time it is sung out: by a Hebrew, an Egyptian, a Persian, a Babylonian, a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, the next 'power' kills the previous one because 'God gave this land to me'. The Reign of God as obvious sheds no one's blood in order to gain life at the expense of others. The Reign of God as obvious is the work of self-giving love that is meant to re-unite those who are separated - those who are so into ours we cannot share or honor the other or hear how we could be the cause of the brokenness of the world. The Reign of God as obvious is heard in the words 'blessed are the peacemakers' for in their life (the life of the Reign of God - I would submit) there is always the power of reconciliation, forgiveness, loving kindness, no matter what others may be doing.


O God of love and new life, take us into the domain of your love and teach us how it is the way of life you have intended for us since the beginning of our humanity.  Amen.








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