Tuesday, June 21, 2016

It is so hard to not go - Bam. Bam. Bam.

It is so difficult not to be violent. That old saying 'in the twinkling of an eye' really gives some insight into how fast we are able to lean into the violence of action and words and thoughts. Bam - it happens. Bam - they are wrong. Bam - they are weak. Bam - they don't deserve this or that. Bam - we worked hard for what we have. Bam - no way Jose, Abdul, Ishmael, Jimmy. Bam - we deserve this and no way will they take it.   Bam - Bam - Bam - Bam. I catch myself going there all the time. Most often the catch comes after I have pulled the trigger and - Bam - in some way or another - Bam.

It is not easy to listen and hear the story of others - to hear the weight of their lives - to honor history not as I know it - to let go of my desires and go that extra distance to see 'them' as I would hope others would see me.

One of the reasons I enjoy being an Uber driver and asking people to take part in my YaketyYak Poll about the presidential election is that I have to listen. I have to honor the voices in the car so that the people will be open to speaking more and more. I must say that there are few with whom I agree completely. There are those who take a side very opposite to my own - but I must simply listen. I do not probe - though at times I ask for clarification. I am finding that although I still hold many of my same opinions, I now can listen a bit more to the other side. I've notice that my usual violent way of referring to the other side has lost much of its edge. But, O My God, it take everything I have to not go - Bam.

Last evening I testified before the Columbus City Council about an ordinance that was calling for a wider perimeter around the Planned Parenthood Clinic where I volunteer as a Greeter. There are deep concerns that some protestors step over the line toward violent words and actions. On my first day at the clinic - even though I was told to expect very vocal protestors - I found myself listening to some 'good Christian folk' spewing out such hate-filled and violent words it was simply jarring. At the same time, there were other protestors who were following through with their protest in a much more peaceable manner. The Planned Parenthood training nurtured in us the need for complete focus on the clients and to avoid any and all interaction with the protestors. This was a good exercise for me. I found it - oddly - meditative. To withhold comment - to stay focused on the needs of the women and men coming into the clinic - made me wonder about what sets any of us off - why do we go Bam?

The gospel for this coming Sunday has brought some things into perspective. There is no need to call down fire on those who do not accept us - honor us - welcome us. There is no need to go Bam. That is the way of the world as it is. We are invited to get closer to any and all - to listen - to hold - to give of ourselves for the sake of the ones to who we would usually just go Bam. The everyday world of the Reign of God in the Christ is one of moment to moment remembrance of a love for all even as our love may be rejected. It is a prayerfulness that is actively involved in all those moments when it is so easy to pull the trigger and go Bam. I am finding - once again - that this peaceable Reign of God is a living reality I am invited to enter from moment to moment for the welfare of all. Geez, that demands so much devotion - yes, devotion - to the way of nonviolent love that refuses to go Bam.

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