Sunday, December 4, 2016

Between Now and Then (part 5)

Double Dipping Death - Not Around Here

(Herod - that fox)

An ordinary visit - expected - on the calendar - a part of the job - and yet, the beginning of a great adventure. There was the usual greeting at the door - big smile - and the ritualistic turning down of the television. The discussion would take off from there. Most often it was full of political updates. Always animated - always robust. Yes, there was the discussion about physical ailments and the list of doctors she had to see and of course the adventures with her car. It was a big car - a yacht - an ocean liner. By that description, you may already envision an older model - it was. Yet she would steer that thing back out of the garage - turn it a bit to make it between the fence posts and then turn it again to straighten out to move down the driveway to the street. It was not always a successful journey. That is another story for another time. 
On this day she interrupted our conversation with a troubling story. Two men from a major cemetery in Columbus had come to the door the previous week with concerns about her purchase of a funeral and burial package - including the gravesite at this cemetery. She mentioned it because she thought she may have made a mistake - or worse - been taken. Evelyn already had a fully paid-up funeral package but these two salesmen - yes, if you can believe it cemeteries have salespeople - attempted to convince her that her previously paid up plan might not fill the bill for opening and closing the gravesite and other costs at today’s prices. They emphasized how long ago she bought the package

So, she took the bait - paid quite a sum to update her package - and now - after reviewing her original agreement realized she had been misled. Yes, she was misled and it was no small sum. This was a classic story of a company taking advantage of a senior. I was disgusted. It was then that we spent time conspiring.  This was fun. With a few phone calls to the cemetery and a discussion with the manager  we underscored the fact that there was a miscommunication and Evelyn should be able to back out of the recent deal and her funds returned to her. He did not see things that way - he refused to hear that the salesmen did what they did. The cemetery was not going to refund any money.

Ha. Again I say - Ha. We decided that we needed to meet with the cemetery manager to discuss this further - in person. It was then that the fun - in pursuit of justice - took off. I would go with her - we laughed as I suggested we rent a limo - have two of her young female visitors/neighbors dress up in suggestive outfits and be our driver and escorts. Evelyn and I would be driven to the cemetery - doors would be open for us so we could exit from the back seat - our escorts would take us to the front door. After great belly-laughs, we settled on simply a dynamic duo. We were psyched,  This woman who knew what was just and right and good was ready for plan A. 

Arriving at the cemetery we were invited into  the board room. The manager laid out his paper work and started to spell out his understanding of the events that had taken place. Evelyn was precise with her account - I simply pressed the questions of ethics. When the manager would not give in, we all agreed to do a conference call with the owner of the funeral home - with whom Evelyn had worked for the original burial package. This was golden. The cemetery manager had no problem belittling us at every opportunity. 

The funeral director knew Evelyn. He was gracious. I asked him about the original contract made with Evelyn and explained the sales pitch about her needing a more updated package to secure all the bills that will arise. I then quoted the amount of money Evelyn paid the cemetery. The director paused as he checked the original documents and then said that her account was so full - due to the years since it was purchased - that her heirs will probably receive funds back rather than have to pay anything extra. Ha! Evelyn looked at me - a proud nod - a  smile - a  curled lip showing her confidence. Even the gift to the pastor - that the salesmen had said would never meet today’s standards - would be more than any pastor would expect. The manager was dumbfounded. 

Weeks later - Evelyn received a letter and a check. Ha! We both gained an deeper respect for ethical funeral directors and a complete disrespect for cemeteries that have gone corporate and sell plots like timeshare salespeople. I have never forgot that energy and hopefulness and sheer willingness to see that justice prevailed. This elderly woman was not going to be stopped and in the meantime there would be a bit of fun and laughter and joy.  In addition, there was now an understanding that there are foxes who dress up in the clothing of sheep in order to take whatever they want. There are those who will use anything in order to make a profit no matter how it is done. This woman stood up and inspired me. Herod that fox!!

The saints of God are a vulnerable people. We admit to mistakes. We draw into questions our actions. We ask for help. We rise up and face the profit-seekers who have no respect for our beloved seniors - or for that matter - anyone from whom money can be taken. A simple afternoon visit - an ordinary passing of time - a connection to something bigger than the powers that try to run the world, and there joy is unveiled - justice comes alive - and we all learned that between now and then the powers of the world need not win the day. We must stand up and resist the power of deception, greed, and lies. 

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