Monday, December 12, 2016

NO to god-on-our-side. Always God is Love.

In  a seminar I have been attending, we tossed around the title god on our side. In my notes I capitalized the word God - that was a mistake as I look back at my notes. This note was about the god that humanity creates - it has nothing to do with my understanding of God. The distinction in my notes was a simple one. The God of those who are called the followers of Jesus is the God is love God - the God who is not under the control of the whims and want of humanity. This God cannot be changed to fit our needs and wants. This God cannot be shaped into a power that will destroy our enemies or those with whom we do not agree. In some ways, the lens through which we need to read Scriptures is through the lens that leads our vision to this God is love. Don't get me wrong, there are piles of shit in Scripture that appear to portray a god who is violent - out to get us - full of violent anger - almost excited about vengeance and retribution - and the maker of war and death.

One question might be: who created that image of this god on our side - and why has it had such a grasp on humanity? Duh. If ancient folks are anything like us, then like them, we want our stories to: control the world around us as we want it controlled - make sure stories keep an order we think will keep us safe - justify our violence against the other - manufacture enemies upon whom we can lay the blame of all that goes wrong - create a culture imprinted with a divine seal of approval and blessing. As I've said many times before this is the sports god. The one who is acknowledged at touchdowns - when a run is scored - pass completed - game won. "Hurray we won! Thanks be to god." It is also the god we acknowledge as the one who gives us what we want and allows life to go on as we claim it should. This god on our side is our creation - it is not the God of Creation who operates out of enduring and eternal love.

God is love heals the broken-hearted by bringing all side to a place of reconciliation and peace. Your heart may be broken yet the power of this God inspires me to lean in and so care for your healing that my heart may become broken also. Together though, love sews up the wound. The miracle is called a relationship of love. This God moves us toward our enemies in order that we will treat them and see them as sister and brothers with whom we may have conflicts and disagreements - but we will never leave them or work to get rid of them. For me, this God is love is displayed in the life of Jesus. The guy just never gave in to the powers that be - powers that generated our fear, anxiety, and the power of death. In the stories of his life (not just the part of his death on the cross) he took that long journey - that slow process - that within reach presence, to make sure one word was known about him. Love. There is no magic there. There is simply a life that endlessly seeks wholeness and healing and the reconciliation of all things. This God is the God of outsiders and insiders who make sure that no one is left outside even if it means those once inside step outside to bring about this God's peaceable Reign.

So as we read Scriptures or as we hear people talk about how they read Scriptures - listen. Take note if it is the god on our side or God is love that is being lifted up so that we can follow. I would also say take the time to read our culture our nation. What god is out there? Most often, I think we will hear the words and stories and message of the god on our side. It will appear like a good god - a god with whom we can agree - a god that creates success - a god that is fearful of outsiders and those not on our team. Maybe even read and listen to our families. Too often, that unit most close and dear to us quite easily becomes the breeding ground of god on our side. This is a tough one - but do not turn away and ignore this creation of ours.

God is love never turns our world or our lives into that which we want. This God is always inviting us to give ourselves away so we can be the active agents of a gracious love. Remember also that the god on our side has mastered the way to turn the images and words of this God is love into a self-serving god. So be watchful - listen well - look at what is being done, and then, ask how love for all may be enacted.

1 comment:

  1. Had lots of discussions years ago on the puppet god... with us of course pulling the strings of the puppet god to fulfill our will. Those talks in classes with friends ring in my head sometimes.
