Thursday, December 15, 2016

What is Ohio trying to do - again?

Each of the following paragraphs became a letter-to-the-editor to various newspapers in Ohio. None of them may be published - so all'ya'all get to hear the rant.

Ohio legislators and the Governor seem to be devoted to protecting that-which-is- not-yet. Yet, too often, there is little concern for that-which-is-right-in-front-of-us. Go ahead and ask your State Representative or Senator how many bills - trying to limit women’s access to health care - have been run through the legislature over the past handful of years Then ask them about the timing and the manner in which those bills are often set forth. Just as in the past week, from the statehouse to the governor’s office, there is a fixation on denying women access to reproductive heath care. I find it to be an unhealthy fixation. 

I will accept the concern for the sanctity of life when that concern embraces the health and well-being of women and the children who are right-in-front-of-us. That will entail listening to the truth about reproductive services and abortion and the litany of stories of women who face decisions with thoughtfulness, courage, and dialogue. If we listen to the majority of stories about those who are right-in-front-of-us, we will hear about the love, support, comfort, and unbiased care that is offered to women seeking care and - at times - moving into the decision to end a pregnancy. These decisions are not taken lightly by women seeking care and by the medical staff. Rather than be drawn into the graphic artwork of abortion protesters and some of the one-in-a-million stories used as orchestrated propaganda shows against women’s choice, it would be good to hear about some of the wonder- filled, compassionate care offered to women and the maturing fetus. 

In my imagination, I wonder about all the good our state legislature and governor could do if they ventured into the well-being of the environment - housing - healthcare for all - creating jobs - equitable voting districts, with the the intensity they pursue limiting reproductive choice. Yet, we have such a love affair with that-which-is-not-yet there is too little concern for the well-being the beloved who are right-in-front-of us. I trust the women I know to choose life - quality of life within the complexities of the reality in which we live. Please don’t attempt to negate and dismiss women’s prayerfulness and thoughtfulness as they face life that is right-in-front-of-them by placing legal restrictions on their ability to make conscientious decision. 

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