Monday, August 5, 2002

Monday, 5 August, 2002

The lead piece is from "Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris. In this book she takes many of the words and images of the faith and attempts to put some reality and life to them.


I have long been intrigued by the fact that the concept of a particular section of hell as reserved for the punishment of sinners did not enter the Hebrew scriptures until after Israel had experienced the trauma of exile in Babylon. Before that time, the word "sheol" had conveyed the general abode of the dead , as did images of the abyss or the pit. This tells me that how human beings treat one another has everything to do with our concept of hell. People who have endured the pain of exile and enslavement are likely to take refuge in the thought that there is punishment for their tormentors, if not in this world then in the next... In my experience, the stereotypical view of Christianity as a religion of "hellfire and damnation" is mostly false. Seldom do I encounter someone who firmly believes that God's desire to judge us (and find us wanting) is far greater than God's capacity for love, forgiveness, and mercy. If that is the sort of preaching you want to hear, of course, you can seek out churches that will provide it.

I find that too many people spend too much time considering hell or damnation than we spend entering into the gift of life that is ours through the promises of our God in Christ, Jesus. The tactics of threat may work for little children - though I strongly doubt that they work better than the presence of deliberate love - but most folks learn to take the power of threat and make that the way they live each day. That is eternally sad. To do or not do something because we fear what punishment may be in store for us may prevent a child from whacking his/her sibling...but not always. To love and risk our lives standing firmly within the domain of love and forgiveness, takes a great risk...for we so often have seen the power of evil destroy the works of love. Therefore, it is an easy jump from loving to simply saying "Damn them!" And as that happens, we have brought ourselves, like the Israelites in Babylon, within the vast destructive creation....of the domain of "hell." I recall on teacher being asked if he believed in hell. After a pause, he said, "Yes. (pause) But I don't believe anyone will be there." Hell does indeed exist...within every ounce of us that wants revenge, retribution, and -you could say - things to go our way and in our favor. To hell with the rest.

Connection: It is not easy to be swayed from the establishment of hell into the gracious reign of God. Take note of how often your mind lets you wish for hell to be real because of "them." Damn them.

O Lord, what love you have for us. It is beyond our comprehension and yet it is readily available to us for each of the days of our lives. Stir up in us the wonderful vision for life that comes from your promise to be eternally for us and with us. Amen

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