Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Wednesday, 14 August, 2002

The lead piece is from "Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris. In this book she takes many of the words and images of the faith and attempts to put some reality and life to them.

PENTECOSTAL (part 1 of 2)

The miracle of (Pentecost) is that it drew people from all parts of the known world - Egypt, Galilee, Cappadocia, Asia - and while each person spoke in their native tongue, they understood each other. In medieval iconography the Tower of Babel is often depicted alongside the event of Pentecost; the latter was thought to have reversed the ill effects of the former.

The word "Pentecostal" is commonly used today to refer to specific Christian denominations formed in the late nineteenth or early twentieth centuries (notably the Assemblies of God, and the Church of God in Christ), or by movements such as the Charismatic Renewal within the Roman Catholic church. Unfortunately, the marvelous understanding celebrated at the original Pentecost has faded into the background, and now the word "Pentecost" often signifies not Christian unity but sectarian differences. Many Pentecostals are conservative Christians who disdain those of a more liberal persuasion. And the mainstream Christians often dismiss Pentecostals as looney tunes; anti-intellectual in their theology, overemotional in their worship.

I wanted to give two days to this word/concept because Norris deals with the negative and the positive images of the word Pentecostal. So often we cast our faith within the molds of "right" or "wrong"....good or bad. And yet, even though the traditions of the Pentecostal church may be quite different from, let's say, liturgical churches like Lutherans, Episcopalians, or Roman Catholics....or many Mainline Protestant churches, they claim Jesus as Lord of their lives. Styles of worship may differ greatly. Many times, it is more the style of the worship than the theology of the church that attracts or repulses people. Therefore, it takes getting to know someone and how they view their faith...looking for the rock upon which they stand...that is most important. In the past days, Norris has spelled out the meaning of some words that had to do with how we view scripture and how we view the Good News as it is to be announced within our lives. In many ways, we may all need to be very clear about the faith we call our rock and foundation. The surprise may be that more and more of us are on a common ground that needs to abide with a few graceful edges so that we can at least talk together. That...can be tough.

Connection: Sometime we can hear another view of faith as a claim to be the "right way...the "only way." That is always alarming. Then again, we are free to speak up and disagree or say I don't look at it that way...or...I don't need that...I need this...or...accept pieces of other traditions that will nurture a well-rounded faith life.

Lord of us All, there are so many ways that you touch us and then send us into this day. Keep us mindful of the many ways people march out into this day within the hopefulness of your blessed Reign. Amen.

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