Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Wednesday, 21 August, 2002

The lead piece is from "Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris. In this book she takes many of the words and images of the faith and attempts to put some reality and life to them.


In the American Heritage Dictionary theology is defined as "the study of the nature of God...rational inquiry into religious questions." But the best definition of theology that I know of comes from Evagrius of Pontus, who said, "If you are a theologian, pray truly; and if your pray truly, you are a theologian." ...

The problem of theology is always to keep it within its bounds as an adjunct and response to a lived faith. In the early Christian church, we can see how quickly the creeds , which began as simple statements of faith made at baptism, and were local in character until the early fourth century, became tests of orthodoxy as the church established itself as an institution. And as such, they could be, and were, used to include and exclude people from the Christian fold....

Putting to life that which we say is so important in regard to our faith is a true example of theology for it shows just how much life is in the words and thoughts we like to string together to form our theological thoughts. I remember a pastor speaking to a group of people from a coalition of churches. When someone in the audience said he didn't know anything about theology, the pastor asked, "Do you ever think about God?" "Of Course!" was the replied." To which the pastor simply said, "Then you are a theologian." Theology is not some abstract study. When it is good theology it is full of life and it engages us. Theology is that talk that takes place between everyday life and our attempt to make sense of it. I find that when I am reading good theology, it excites and motivates...it moves me to engage the day and make the most of it...it places the hand of God in all the moments of my "normal, everyday life."

Connection: What would your thoughts about God look like if they were a part of your life today? How does grace appear...how does the incarnation make sense...how is the notion of creation or the resurrection bring meaning and purpose into what you are all about today?

Lord of New Life, you bring us life and you invite us to jump in and be a part of the greatest gift of all time - life within your loving embrace. Help us to make sense of the faith as we make the faith a part of the adventures we enter today. Amen

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