Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Thursday, 10 June, 2004

We continue with another section of Walter Wink’s “The Human Being.”

…God is the measure of all things. And God is engaged in an eons-long project of drawing humanity forward toward its true potential and destiny (or pushing us from behind, or prompting us from within). We are part of a self-surpassing system that we scarcely comprehend. We do not know how to transform ourselves. It there is not God, there can be no humanity, for God alone is human.

This eons-long project does not mean that we are closer to our true potentiality or destiny. It means God continues to draw…pull…push…and prompt us to take that journey into the fullness of our humanity. We would call it “following Jesus.” We are on the way…always inspired by the Holy Spirit so that we will step into what is our humanity. That “step” may always seem odd and exactly what we should not be doing, and yet, like Philip running scared from Jerusalem after Stephen stoning he begins preaching to the Samaritans…we go beyond what was the limit of the world and take on the limitless grace of God as it is made known and as it comes to life through God’s beloved humanity.

Connection: Look forward to what God will be doing within this day. Look forward as in looking forward to the fullness of time that is yet to come…but is already present by the power of God’s love.

This is a day filled with all the possibilities for life that you have intended for your children, O God. We need to open our hearts that we will pass through our fear into the realm of life that is always waiting to carry us into your Reign. Amen.

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