Thursday, June 24, 2004

Thursday, 24 June, 2004

Text: If you want, read Gal. 1:14-24 as a background Paul provides as to the journey he made from the time of the revelation delivered to him and the time he goes up to Jerusalem to give a witness to the work he was doing among the Gentiles.

Then we begin for today:

Galatians 2: 1-2

Then afte fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus along with me. I went up in response to a revelation . The I laid before them (though only in a private meeting with the acknowledged leaders) the gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles, in order to make sure that I was not running, or had not run, in vain.

Paul had quite a story to tell about he journey of his life. When he goes before the people in Jerusalem it with the understanding that what he was preaching was indeed the Good News. This is even in the face of what was the prevailing wind of the day which had to do with following the ways of the Jews. So, for example, something like circumcision was expected by those new to the it was among Jews. Paul leans on the notion of revelation to show that what he was about to say and do at Jerusalem and what he was about to included in this letter would be a word that was given to him. A word that would be his point of reference so as to make no dividing lines among those who follow Jesus as Lord. I intentionally left off the next verse until now because I wanted to emphasize the radical nature of Paul's visit to Jerusalem. It was a big deal to take Titus along with them. Why? Take a look at verse 3: But even Titus, who was with me, was not compelled to be circumcised, though he was a Gentile. Paul is putting into practice the immense freedom within the Good News. This was a real life sharing that wasn't simply theory. Here was a Gentile...a Gentile follower of Jesus...and yet he was not abiding by the "rule" among this early church gathering. But this word of life that comes in Jesus, will let no walls stand again. Was Paul's liberating word of God's grace in Jesus, spread in vain. Not at all as the council will rule in next week's lesson.

Connection: The life giving Good News...does it give life...or does it paint up a bunch of hoops through which we must move in order to be the followers of Jesus. Does it matter what someone is pictured to be (Gentile, harlot...whatever) when s/he has been given life through trusting that God come to bring all people back into a full relationship with God? Of course not. The gift is free for all. Is our love today as free for all as this love that can even bridge the most interalized and externalized boundaries - circumcision?!? It was alright for Titus to be is alright for any of God's children to be among us.

Most Blessed God, you bring a new day before us and you invite us to share your loving Reign as we encounter the people around us and move about in your creation. May we be filled by the power of your grace so that our lives will beam with the freedom Paul proclaimed as he brought the Good News to those of his day. Amen

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