Monday, July 19, 2004

Monday, 19 July, 2004

I started reading a new book: “Union with Christ – The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther.  Though it may sound horribly dry, it may bring us some good devotional material.  Let’s give it a try.


Finnish Luther research has come to the conclusion that Luther’s idea of the presence of Christ in faith can form a basis for treating the question of divinization.  The Lutheran understanding of the indwelling of Christ implies a real participation in God and is analogous to the Orthodox doctrine of participation in God, or theosis.  When seen in the light of the doctrine of theosis, the Lutheran tradition is born anew and becomes once again interesting. 


As children of God baptized, forgiven and justified before God, we “participate” in a whole new way of being.  This is not simply by what we do; it is because we say that Christ is with us, for us, in us.  I often use expressions like being “pulled into” the body of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit because it is God who acts on our behalf to make us new.  Claimed as God’s people and living within the newness of life that comes from being justified by God, we say that we are “in Christ.”  In the above quote, that may be heard as “the indwelling of Christ” or the doctrine of participation in God (theosis).  For me that has the sense of being people who walk and stand on holy ground within the very common and ordinary ground of our everyday life from this day until the day we are about to offer up our last breath. 


Connection:  Can we…by understanding ourselves as having God really participate in our lives…begin to see this day as though it is seasoned or spiced up?  Yes, we are all that we are…and we are also part of a grand Reign into which God pulls us each day through our baptism.  So, how does that make your day look?

 When you come upon us in this day, O God, you begin again to shape us by the power of your Spirit.  Help us to view our lives as blessed by your presence and shaped by your love for us.  Amen.

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