Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Wednesday, 7 July, 2004

We continue with another section of Walter Wink’s “The Human Being.” This is from the section on the Pre-Easter sayings of Jesus.

Jesus’ present is the human future. The “coming” of the Human Being in the future will be the culmination of the Human Being revealed by Jesus, exalted to sublimity by Jesus’ ascension into the realm of what physicist are calling nonlocal reality – or, if you prefer, the realm of the archetypes, or the imaginal plane, or what John’s Gospel simply calls “eternal life.”

What is Jesus’ present? If we think of what is to come, it is the future in its fullest form. If we are thinking of Jesus as present in the stories of scripture, it is the fullness of human expression and life when it comes into its completeness. It is always what is not yet among us and it is always that into which we are invited to dance. With the many ways we can speak of Jesus “coming” (or that of “the Human Being”), I still find eternal life to be quite powerful. That is especially the case if we see it as life now…and life that is to come…and life that has been. There is a life – a completeness within our humanity – that does not change with the winds of a new day or become lost within the stagnancy of tradition. The humanity we see in Jesus has not changed in time…nor will it. It still invites us into a life beyond what we claim to have and hold.

Connection: Think of the future…the way things will be when God’s gift of life to us is realized. Then, without being consumed by what might happen if we step into that future - step into that future. God is waiting and present for us.

By your power you draw us into the wonderful domain of your loving presence, O God. Be with us when we begin to imagine ourselves trusting in your gracious gift of life so that we will catch another glimpse of what you see in us and from there we begin to live anew. Amen.

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