Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Wednesday, 28 July, 2004

The opening piece is from “Union with Christ” – The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther.  Let’s give it a try.

The idea that Christ is both God’s favor…and his gift…permeates Luther’s entire theology.  “Favor” signifies God’s forgiveness and the removal of his wrath.  And Christ is a “gift” in that the real self-giving of God comes through him to the human person…  the notion of Christ as a “gift” means that the believing subject becomes a participant in the “divine nature.” (Luther) uses other expressions quite freely, too.

…a Christian is greater than the entire world. For in his heart he has this seemingly small gift; yet the smallness of the gift and treasure, which he holds in faith, is greater than heaven and earth, because Christ, who is this gift, is greater.


The notion of us being “greater than the entire world” is not a position of power – as power being ‘something over and against something else.’  Rather, it still refers to the notion of being a “gift.”  By being people who participate in the gift…the divine nature, we are free to be a gift to the world…and oh, how the world can benefit from being gifted by each of us who benefit from the gift of Christ for our living.  Imagine the life of Christ being opened up to the world through us.  The world would come to think something new about what it is to be a “follower of Jesus.” 

Connection:  We are not “religious” people.  We are gifted people who are invited to spread the gift around without regard to who will be presented with the gift.  You are a gift to be share with the world today.

 How wonder-filled are the ways in which you take hold of us and move us to live through your love, O God.  As we respond to you gracious gift, transform our response into a gift of life for others.  Amen.

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