Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Thursday, 29 July, 2004

The opening piece is from “Union with Christ” – The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther.  Let’s give it a try.

…we are to become participants of the divine nature and be exalted so high in nobility that we are not only to become loved by God through Christ, and have His favor and grace as the highest and most precious shrine, but also to have Him, the Lord Himself, dwelling in us in His fullness.  Namely, His love is not to be limited only to the removal of His wrath from upon us, and to having the fatherly heart which is merciful to us, but we are also to enjoy this love, and gain great benefit and riches from it. 

“We are also to enjoy this love (this love of God), and gain great benefit and riches from it.”  There is much that our God does for us.  And yet, often we are tempted to turn that into some kind of rigid lifestyle…do this, don’t do that…in which we seem to never enjoy the gift of life God gives to us.  Now that I know this love of God is all for me…and you, how is my life transformed into something beyond the limits and controls I like to have on things?  We are invited into the benefits and riches of being beloved of God.  When we think of God inviting us to become participants of the divine nature, it would appear to me that we are invited into the marvelous graciousness that is the power to turn heads and surprise the world with joy.

Connection:  Beloved of God, take a look at this day…yes it may seem like it will be long and hard or it may seem as though it will be so full that you would like to simply be in bed at the end of day, already….but, shake your head and listen to that voice in the background of you faith that says: Enjoy!!!

 Lord, out of the depths you call us so that we will begin to expand our lives within the domain of your grace where we are invited to blossom and enjoy the riches of your Creation.  Amen.

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