Tuesday, October 11, 2005

11 October 2005

Today from "Luther's Works" there is a bit about this body that gathers as the body of Christ.

Hence it is that Christ and all the saints are one spiritual body...
The fellowship consists in this, that all the spiritual possessions of Christ and his saints are shared with and become common property; and thus love engenders love in return and [mutual love] unites. (LW 35, p.51)

Remember that the saints are the living and those who are now gone who were once a part of the living. We are not talking about saints who have a special designation because of the lives they lives and the things they did. Saints are "the baptized." We are thus more able to refer to the one body, the fellowship. We may be quite diverse and even appear strange to one another, but we stand on this common ground that makes all things among us common. Because we are brought into the fellowship by a love that is beyond our imagination - for we tend to imagine things just a bit out of the ordinary and in baptism God works even beyond the most we can imagine to make us one - the love within the community of saints can now overcome any barrier to love being the life among us. Our common property, the gift to the community in, with, and under the Lord's Supper is this love for the sake of loving. The gift makes those who receive the gift, gift-givers who are free to move beyond the barriers once in place around us. Of course, there will be risks with each action of love comes from the Table into the community.

Connection: We receive life...for life. Imagine what this day would be if it was embraced by people who have been claimed by God in baptism and then encouraged to live a within that baptismal promise as we take the Meal that is given "for us." Well, let your imaginations go for it...we are in this situation...it is a gift to us for the living of this day.

By your love, O God, we are brought into a community that is willing to face one another with the love you have for us. As your love becomes our love, the community of saints continues to be transformed beyond our expectations for you love will not fall or fit into merely our expectations. Let you Spirit of love pull us into your Reign. Amen.

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