Friday, October 14, 2005

14 October 2005

If at the Lord's Supper Christ comes to us might these two comments from an article by Tuomo Mannerma in "Union With Christ" offer us an insightful challenge?

In speaking of the indwelling of Christ here are two classical formulations.
Irenaeus say succinctly: "Because of his great love (Jesus Christ) was made into that which we are, so that he might bring about that we be what he is." ...Athanasius: "He (Christ) became man so that we might become divine." (p. 27)

Next week we will spend some time looking at why these kinds of statements are not receiving complete agreement from some Lutherans. But for now, we must remember what a place the Meal had in Luther's theology and just what changed in the life of the church through his work. The Meal that was once so centered around the clergy and one's need to reach a "bar" of goodness and righteousness before on could come to the table is now greatly altered. With this Orthodox doctrine of indwelling, that Mannerma says is quite like Luther's teaching, The work that is done is the work done by the one who promises to be present with us in the Meal. In this presence, Christ is not merely "alongside" us or "in the room," Christ comes to bring the divine reign into our lives. It can sound a bit mystical - and that is not all bad - but it is more so a strong statement about the shape and calling and life that is to be the community of saints. Remember that this takes place not by magic or works, it is enough that we believe those words "for you" as we are handed the meal. There in the midst of the community of the whole congregation or in the room of a person with in that community who takes the meal with a representative of the congregation, comes the Christ who makes us a part of the divine presence of God in the world.

Connection: We are new people and we are brought into a life in which Christ become know within our living. We are living witnesses of the Christ and the love of the Reign of Christ. When we prayerfully remember this through the day, I really do believe that we are given eyes to see how this presence in us leads us into new ways of being who we are in all we do.

As you move us by your Spirit, O Lord, and create in us the life of you precious Reign, let our hearts be lifted as we find within your gracious presence new ways to be instruments of graciousness that that bring to this day a witness to your Reign. Amen

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