Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Friday, 28 October 2005

As we draw to the end of a month focusing on our calling to be stewards of our baptismal promise, the community of saints, the Word of God, and a loving community here is an interesting piece from Luther on "Trade."

(Speaking of merchants)...they have a common rule which is their chief maxim and the basis of all their sharp practice, where they say: "I may sell my goods as dear as I can." They think this is their right. Thus occasion is given for avarice and every window and door to hell is opened. What else does it mean but this: I care nothing about my neighbor; so long as I have my profit and satisfy my greed, of what concern is it to me if it injures my neighbor in ten ways at once." (LW 45, p.247)

Love of neighbor is not merely something that we "try to do in the context of the church building" only. It is our life. As followers of Jesus, this love is to shape all that we do. Yes, we all want to make some profit and be able to care for our families and...have some sense of security for those of our household. And yet, this love of Christ that is our love cannot be isolated or restricted. No matter what vocation we enter, there is always a place within that context for this love that brings with it healing and an inspired concern for the welfare of others...the strangers and all who we serve through our vocations. The love of Christ that spills over into lives and then into the lives of those around us is a power for transformation. When we talk about Christ abiding with us, it is here as we go through the routines of our is here as we put our skills and abilities and trades to work for others. Luther writes: "The rule ought to be, not, "I may sell my wares as dear as I can or will." but, "I may sell my wares as dear as I ought, or as is right and fair." Imagine what this change in a sentence would mean if it was a change that also took place in our hearts and our actions.

Connection: Go ahead and imagine...and then...see what it would be to have this sacred imagination lead the way.

By your love, O Lord, the day changes even as we walk through all that we will face within this one day. Remind us that you love and the power of your love rests with us to shape our every move. Amen.

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