Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Thursday 6 September 2007

Today we look at another side of this notion of Christ as the "greatest sinner" by Tuomo Mannerma.

Here is what Mannerma notes in a text from Luther in which he is making apparent the realistic way in which Luther thinks of Christ's union with sinners.

"And so He is regarded as someone who is among thieves - even though He is innocent Himself, and even more so, because of HI\is own free will and by the will of the Father He wanted to communicate Himself to the body and blood of those who were thieves and sinners. Therefore He is immersed in all."

Mannerma notes that Luther is aware of the oddity of this thought and therefore he frequently defends his view (here's an example).

"But it is highly absurd and insulting to call the Son of God a sinner and a curse!" If you want to deny that He is a sinner and a curse, then deny also that He suffered, was crucified, and died. For it is no less absurd to say, as our Creed confesses and prays, that the Son of God was crucified and underwent the torments of sin and death than to say that He is a sinner or a curse.

So often we want to keep things so separate when it comes to Christ, Jesus, and the rest of humanity. Just how human can we let him be?!? At least at this point in the discussion, Mannerma is pushing for all the way. This is an "all the way" that is so intentional there will be no person left person to whom our God does not completely stand alongside in all the fullness of being human. As we will see over the next series of devotions, this notion of being the "greatest sinner" will also have an impact on who we are as we are people in union with this one who has faced the intensity of sin and all of its power and has overcome it. Where then, does sin stand in regard to all of us who are "in Christ." We need also note that as Christ is this "greatest sinner" who takes on the full load of the lives of theives and sinners, there is no room outside of that action. This is an intentional action on behalf of the whole bunch of us - for all time. Pressing that just a bit, it really means that thre is no missed mark. There is only this body of Christ that carries the identity of the one who acts for and with all.

Connection: I identity today does not start with starts in Christ. We each remain our individually gifted selves and broken selves, but we are people living within the power of life that is called Christ, Jesus. looking moping...just, life anew.

Come, Spirit of the Living God, and guide us in our living so that as we walk with you through this day we will walk in step to the freedom you bring to all your people. From that place, all things are possible. Amen.

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