Monday, September 10, 2007

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Again from "Christ Present in Faith" by Tuomo Mannerma.

Following up on yesterday's devotion - a quote from Luther:

Now that Christ reigns, there is in fact no more sin, death, or curse - this we confess everyday in the Apostles' Creed when we say: "I believe in the holy church." This is plainly nothing else than if we were to say: "I believe that there is no sin and no death in the church. For believers in Christ are not sinners and are not sentenced to death but are altogether holy and righteous, lords over sin and death who live eternally." But it is faith alone that discerns this, because we say: "I believe in the holy church." If you consult your reason and your eyes, you will judge differently. For in devout people you will see many things that offend you; you will see them fall now and again, see them sin, or be weak in faith, or be troubled by a bad temper, envy or other evil emotions. "Therefore the church is not holy." I deny the conclusion that you draw. If I look at my own person or at that of my neighbor, the church will never be holy. But if I look at Christ, who is the Propitiator and Cleanser of the Church, then it is completely holy; for He bore the sins of the entire world.

It really does matter what eyes we use to see the world and life around us. The church can really look like a holy mess if all we see is its brokenness. That is why I am so often overwhelmed by those people who are abused by the church and yet they remain faithful and are always finding the Christ present among us even in times of trial. What blessed eyes! When I read this piece from Luther, I thought of the recent material that has come out through some of Mother Theresa's writings. If I believed in the whole Roman Catholic process of "making saints"...I would vote for immediate elevation to sainthood. Here is a real woman...real in her troubled heart...real in her doubt...real in her anguish...real in her life in the flesh...real in her trusting what cannot be seen and yet is so present - the living Lord. This is one reason I love the way we refer to one another as saints. We all need to consider, in a truly prayerful manner, that label. When we see saints...yes, even the battered and fallen, the bloated and exhausted...we begin to know the real presence of our Lord with us...we begin to see, with new eyes, the holy church - alive and all around us.

Connection: Consider the way our Lord invites us to look again at all things with eyes that have been open to the vast expanse of God's Reign alive among us.

You, O God, encourage us to to view one another with an eye that sees you present in all things. We so easily are drawn into warfare and hatred when you bid us to look again and find the Christ who is our peace - our wholeness - our life. We give you thanks for such vision for this day. Amen.

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