Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday 22 February 2008

The week ends as we continue with the freedom that really does liberate all sides of the violence in the world. Again, from Thomas Merton:

True inseparable from the inner strength which can assume the common burden of evil which weighs both on oneself and one's adversary. False freedom is only a manifestation of the weakness that cannot bear even one's own evil until it is projected onto the other and seen as exclusively his. The highest form of spiritual freedom is, as Gandhi believed, to be sought in the strength of heart which is capable of liberating the oppressed and the oppressor together. But in any event the oppressed must be able to be free within himself, so that he may begin to gain strength to pity his oppressor. Without that capacity for pity, neither of them will be able to recognize the truth of their situation: a common relationship in a common complex of sins.

"The truth will set you free." It is the truth that faces our evil - our dark side - our sin - our stumbling block. It is the reality of life that hounds us all - we are broken. Even when we would rather simply make someone else the broken one - the less than - the worth-less, so that we can project our own sin onto another, the truth is...we are just as the ones we at whom we point our fingers. Therefore, that notion of the oppressed having pity on the oppressors is sheer, spiritual genius. It is the way we begin that foreign adventure of peace making that really does restore both sides to a fullness of humanity that is willing and able to recreate the world within the bounds of reconciliation. This may be a journey that is utterly impossible...and it is, but it is the journey that is handed to us as the way of Christ is handed to us. The way has been made...we are invited to walk within the promise that brings us to a new life where enemies and oppressors are also able to be brothers and sisters so that all can be new....born again to new life.

Connection: In various ways, we all have "oppressors" in our lives...and we are most likely "oppressors" to others. That makes the day quite interesting...and quite sad. We are all being invited into the spiritual genius of the freedom that comes with reconciliation and truthfulness.

Blessed Lord, breathe on us. When we face those around us and it can be so easy to uproot and destroy, hold our hearts and warm us up to the way of your peace and truth so we may all be set free. Amen.

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