Friday, February 1, 2008

Tuesday 5 February 2008

Today the reading becomes even more frightening - no stumbling allowed.

It is no accident that Hitler believed firmly in the unforgiveableness of sin. This is indeed fundamental to the whole mentality of Nazism, with its avidity for final solutions and its concern that all uncertainties be eliminated.

In such a world where certainty is a must, one stumble, one fall, or one shortcoming can be the ruin of everything. Therefore, a stumble, a fall, a shortcoming cannot exist. If there is such a thing, it must be eliminated. What comes to be so horrific is that the ones who seek to eliminate others because of their "unforgiveable" sin, are ones who cannot and would not ever allow themselves to be seen or see themselves in such a light. When we see ourselves as being "right" to this point, everything else is wrong and must be seen as that. Doubt cannot take place. Questions about what we are doing must not be answered. We must speak from the voice of power over others as though it is the truth. When that happens, many people listen and follow and are willing to do the obscene in order to rid ourselves of any uncertainties.

Connection: Keeping everything in question is an important part of any group of people. Without the freedom to question, is is easy for people to be overwhelmed and turned into a mindless mob.

Liberating Lord, you do not allow the voice of oppression and limits to take control of your people. So in this time, be our strength as we move toward truthfulness and continue to imagine what is not yet and then live within a place we thought we would never reside. Amen.

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