Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday 25 August 2008

Here we hear a bit of that importance of the remembering of Israel - Stanley Hauerwas.

Israel is Israel, therefore, just to the extent that she "remembers" the "way of the Lord," for by that remembering she in fact imitates God. Such a remembering was no simple mental recollection, rather, the image remembered formed the soul and determined future direction. "To remember the works of Yahweh and to seek him, i.e., to let one's acts be determined by his will, is in reality the same. Consequently, to 'remember' the 'Way' from the Reed Sea onwards is to act now on the basis of the relationship between God and Israel there revealed, and in so doing to appropriate it, and know it to be most real"

I find this to sound like our remembering at the Lord's Table. When the story is told and we participate in that Meal, our character for life is being shaped again. The notion of our Lord being "really present" is a reality that is pulling at us and moving us out into the world from our places of worship as a people who are ready to walk in Jesus' way. A people is being shaped - both as individuals and as a body. We move from worship after the meal connected to and a part of the story that we have been hearing. The break of bread the drinking of wine is the life that is ours. In a world that is afraid of being broken for the well being of others, this is a vital story that gives us a life that is quite distinct and radically new in any age. We are remembering into the future.

Connection: I think worship is meant to send us into the stories we hear as the community gathers. The next time we hear the stories...remember that we are there and it surrounds us with life.

Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and take us into this day as your followers who long to be alive within your gracious Reign. Amen.

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