Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Now we move into the area of the the imitation of God - by Stanley Hauerwas.

The theme of "imitation" is subject, however, to much misunderstanding. In particular, it carries with it individualist positions that are antithetical to the social nature of the Christian life. For there is no way to learn to "imitate" God by trying to copy in an external manner the actions of Jesus. No one can become virtuous merely by doing what virtuous people do. We can only be virtuous by doing what virtuous people do in the manner that they do it. Therefore one can only learn to be virtuous, to be like Jesus, by learning from others how that is done. To be like Jesus requires that I become a part of a community that practices virtues, not that I copy his life point by point.

Again, there is this common theme that we are always being called to be in community. In fact, we cannot be the followers of Jesus without being a part of a community of others who at least wrestle with the notion of being such followers. We do not have a check list that gives us a grade as to whether or not we are imitating Jesus' life just as he lived it. Rather, we are thrown into our lives within real communities and there we begin to see what it is to follow our Lord in and through this day. What we do and become...comes from the power of the Spirit that brings this life within God's Reign to life among us. We see that virtuous life as it continues to reveal itself within the lives of those around us.

Connection: We are a part of the wonderful unfolding of God's Reign as we keep in mind the lives of others who have shown themselves to be reminders of the way of life that is so precious to God's Reign.

Come, Lord of the Community, come, and nurture us with the stories of your Reign and send your Spirit to bring new stories to life among us so that today there will be a glimpse of your blessed Reign shining in the midst of our world. Amen.

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