Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday 14 August 2008

More on the Ethical Significance of Jesus - by Stanley Hauerwas. is interesting to note that when the fathers (early church fathers) wish to explicate the word "incarnation" in speaking of Jesus, the word they use is "economy," which simply means how God manages the world. So for Athanasius the incarnation notes how God's economy - that is, God's Word - appropriated a human body so that he might die and be raised. Thus incarnation is not a doctrine that places all significance on the birth of Jesus, nor is it a doctrine about Jesus' person or nature, but it is a reminder that we cannot assess God's claim of Jesus' significance short of seeing how his whole life manifests God's kingdom.

We have much more presented to us in the birth of Jesus and his humanity. We are given a concrete look at how the Reign of God is viewed at its essential level. Rather than be tied up in grand hypothetical stories of the interplay of gods and goddesses and they doctrines that attempt to master, with words, the very being of God, we get Jesus. To put it in economical terms, what a bargain. Do you want to see the Reign of God? Do you want to get your hands on the fullness of that Reign? Well...look to Jesus as presented in the Gospels. That is a good place to start and a good story to give us an open look at what it is we are invited to share. I was wondering about how this all plays into the celebration of Christmas. We are so "baby" focused that we can often miss the way the story is held within the vision of the Magnificat - the Reign of God is coming to life...come down from the hillside and take a look...come down to the river and take a look...come...come...come and see....come, come, come and be.

Connection: There is such a big story place before us. We are a part of what brings life and energy to that story - each of us.

When you call us blessed, O God, you are calling forth the power and dynamics and character of your Reign that is already breaking out around us. As we look to Jesus, remind us of this way that is more and more animated as we join along and follow. Amen.

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