Thursday, August 16, 2012

Redeemer Devotions - July 12, 2012

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Moving along with more comments about the story of the blind man in the 9th chapter in the gospel of John - this time it is a story of exclusion. From: The Joy of Being Wrong.


...the former blind man is taken to the Pharisees, and as they investigate the nature of his cure, it becomes more and more apparent that Jesus was involved in the cure. Since such a cure would suggest the messianic nature of Jesus, the Pharisees at first doubt the cure and then become increasingly abusive in their questioning. Finally they throw the former blind man out. During this process of increasing violence, there is simultaneously a process by which the blind man (who has never seen Jesus, because he actually received his sight at the pool of Siloam) become increasingly aware of who Jesus is: first he is just a man, then a prophet, and finally he is a man from God who is superior to Moses. At this point he is cast out.


The man once blind is cast out. When do we hit our limit? When do we have a set notion of God's Reign? When do we reach our limits (not the limits of God's Reign) that are placed out there as though they are the limits of God's Reign? I think we all do that. I also think that good education in the Church keeps making us face the limits we put in place so that we can be helped to see God's unlimited Reign that keeps bringing life even when life seems impossible - like bringing sight to a man born blind. Is it easier to settle for the limits and the restrictions and the control? Maybe so. I know it is for me at some times and in certain areas of life. But I am not one who controls the limits of God's healing Reign! That Reign pushes the limits even to the point that the Christ of God any who dare to follow him will get cast out of the religious fabrications of our day.


Connection: Who gets cast out these days? We have more and more witness of people who know exactly who should be cast out and who should not even be let in. And then, in our storytelling we see Jesus opening up life outside of any and all limitations.


O God of life, shine upon us this day as you have always brought your light and life to your people.  Amen.







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