Monday, August 20, 2012

Redeemer Devotions - July 12, 2012

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Could it be we are so included - we do not know what it is to be excluded - some thoughts on Alison's comments.


 Finally they throw the former blind man out. During this process of increasing violence, there is simultaneously a process by which the blind man (who has never seen Jesus, because he actually received his sight at the pool of Siloam) become increasingly aware of who Jesus is: first he is just a man, then a prophet, and finally he is a man from God who is superior to Moses. At this point he is cast out. Jesus then comes to him, and he is able to recognize his benefactor as Lord and worship him. It is interesting that it is during the process of his exclusion that he comes to perceive with increasing clarity the nature of his benefactor, at the same time as the Pharisees become increasingly hardened in their attitude toward Jesus.


 Could it be - that the church today is so included we do not know what it is to be excluded. To have Christian attached to our name and our lives is a way to be validated in this country. This is how we include. If I am outside that well-defined line, I would be and could be excluded. Even though I disagree with how many people would define what it is to be a follower of Jesus, just the fact that I would mark 'yes' if asked if I was Christian makes me a royal insider. Remember how the Apostle Paul was able to prevent his own death because he was a Roman Citizen. Well, today, to say I am Christian in our country is too often seen as being one who pays allegiance to the flag. Odd - ones who follow the one who was executed by the civil authorities for being someone outside of the pattern and norm and life of the empire - even a possible threat to its stability in the middle east - are now the poster-child for empire worship. Empire can stand in for Christian and Christian can stand in for Empire. We are the ones included. This is even when folk think we are not included even more. So do we need to be excluded to see the way of our Lord in the middle of what is so powerful around us? Or - can we train up our people to know what it is to be as ones excluded so that we may be advocates for those who really are being pushed out? Obviously, none of this kind of resistance will be seen by even our own 'kind' as a good thing. No one wants their 'place' inside the group - to be put in jeopardy.



Connection: So what do we do to hang on. What do we do to stay part of those who are included even when it means we become a part of the excluding party.


O God of life, keep us ever-mindful of what it is to be sent away and pushed from the table so that when such practices are done among us, we will include the excluded and in that risk our own exclusion.  Amen.







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