Friday, August 17, 2012

Redeemer Devotions - July 12, 2012

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Maybe another way of looking at the passage from yesterday.  From: The Joy of Being Wrong.


...the former blind man is taken to the Pharisees, and as they investigate the nature of his cure, it becomes more and more apparent that Jesus was involved in the cure. Since such a cure would suggest the messianic nature of Jesus, the Pharisees at first doubt the cure and then become increasingly abusive in their questioning. Finally they throw the former blind man out. During this process of increasing violence, there is simultaneously a process by which the blind man (who has never seen Jesus, because he actually received his sight at the pool of Siloam) become increasingly aware of who Jesus is: first he is just a man, then a prophet, and finally he is a man from God who is superior to Moses. At this point he is cast out.


 Could it be that we get to know Jesus more and more as we see the ordinary or the 'world as it always is' alongside the one who heals and brings about God's shalom. Now, we must remember that everyone claims to know Jesus - at least Christians. But we are really talking about seeing the Christ  of God - who brings about the Reign of God right in the middle of the world of today. Most of us reading this today say that we get out way shown to us by Jesus - who puts it all in the flesh - no holding back. So, the more we look and see and take time to listen, we will see that the operation of the most powerful systems of the world do not really show the face of Jesus. They don't have the time - or the interest - or good numbers on a profit margin. Therefore, even when the voices throw out words that speak of 'helping' all people, that is all a bunch of sugarcoating - sugarcoating lies. Jesus appears in the flesh - always in the flesh. Therefore liberating the poor and those left out on their own will be forgotten by the proud and mighty as they pass by on their way to talk about him. Therefore the protecting life will be a minimalist view that benefits a select category without tying the saving of life to all life - those who are at all spectrums of the human cycle.  Jesus changes as we keep seeing him alive and well among us. The world will become more violent, but the Christ, Jesus, will become more and more known and we will all be fed and our eyes will be open.


Connection: Listen again today - you will hear much blasphemy. That is, you will hear the name of God and Jesus used to carry banners of life that are contrary to the Reign of God. You will see cheap stuff - broken stuff - lying stuff - handled like it is sacred. Be watchful - it is worthless.


O God of life, continue to open our eyes that we may see the coming of your glory within the lives of your people today.  Amen.







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