Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for April 9, 2013

God as Laugher. If you have any comments - adebelak@redeemerluth.com [mailto:adebelak@redeemerluth.com]God as laughter is like a open door that freely lets us move back and forth without

having to figure out what is the right way to go in and out. God as laugher is able

to nurture in us a spirit of foolishness that will not be contained or shut down

by any type of structure we put in place to make God something other than who God

is. I suppose that means religious people too often forbid or restrict laugher.

We are too busy building the structures that demand so kind of holiness that may

not be holiness at all. Laugher is holy. Laugher in the middle of 'holy' places

is like baptismal water that hits us in the face and reminds us how ordinary we

all are and that we are not to let all the trappings and structures rule us. God

as laughter interrupts us even when we are demanding that the world be serious -

because we are such serious people. Laugher has an element of being uncontrollable

- quite like grace. It spills over us and whips around us and cuts through each

and every facade we try to put in place. God as laugher invites us to wrestle with

everything we fear and everything we want to control. We are invited - at that point

- to let go and live anew.

O God of love and new life, help us to let go and roll down the hill and flip over

and be caught up in that which we cannot control. Let your Reign come down upon

us. Amen.

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