Friday, July 26, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for July 26, 2013

This week: God as crucifixion. If you have any comments - [].

God as crucifixion is - in a way - God at rest. Nothing else needs to be said or

done. It is God fully for us - for all of humanity. The only thing left - I suppose

- it the victory lap in the tomb before it is empty. God as crucifixion is the face

of how life will go on its way after the resurrection. The life to come to all of

us is one that is free to get put up on that cross with the God who claims us and

promises life in and through all things. God as crucifixion is the God who stands

with us and considers 'now what?' Now that the world rejects the way of love that

is to be ours and was the way of Jesus, what will take place among us as we continue

to live the way of the cross but now in the realm of resurrection where the power

of death cannot rule us? This is another one of those points that my weakness and

fear creep up on me. I know this is not a 'way' I can go on my own. I need 'encouraging'

folks - people who will either say 'go for it' or will say 'let us go for it.' That

is the church.

O God of love and new life, be the lead as you have always been so that we will

go for it all - all the love - all the mercy - all the peace - all the Reigning

glory. Amen.

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