Monday, January 13, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for January 13, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as moving on. If you have any comments - .


God as moving on does not wait for us to 'get it.' We may hold back and hold onto old ways and hold grudges and hold onto what we want and have - but God moves on. God as moving on is the power of new life that will not stick around in the world of death and revenge and self-consumption. God as moving on is the power of new life that spilled down onto the house of Cornelius - a power that did not ask for permission or ask whether or not everyone was ready. You see, God is moving on to make God's Reign visible and alive even when we are want to stay put and keep questioning if we can move along with our God. God as moving on will not move on simply to fit into the kind of plans we have for success. In fact, our great plans and our great notions of what will 'work' for us and for others are usually going in the opposite direction of our God as moving on. We tend to move on to that which will provide security and comfort. God as moving on is moving on into the life that brings justice, mercy, peace, and unbounded hospitality.


O God of love and new life, inspire us to move on along the way of your Reign as it comes upon us this day. Amen.









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