Monday, January 6, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for January 6, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as beyond words. If you have any comments - .


God as beyond words takes us into a reality we are not able to pin down. For once we think we are able to grasp God and have God in a position in which we claim to understand God - we have fallen short. God as beyond words it the God who is forever beyond us and forever available to us. We do not determine that position of God. God as beyond words is the God that is filled with laughter each and every time we claim to know just how thinks or just how God would act or just how God will be manifest among us. God as beyond words will always have a way of being known by images that will expose God and yet, at the same time, keep God covered. This last weekend I began the task of introducing the confirmation class to the Apostles' Creed. Our greatest task is to unpack the words to which we tend to cling as though they are magically correct. My expectation is that each student - in his/her own way - is able to come up with more words and more images so that God is not tied up our bound up by us. God as beyond words may start with words - but then there is experience - surprise - inspiring vision - actions. We may have words in place but then - we need more words or maybe just - silence - complete silence or a cacophony of sounds that endlessly distract us from the words we think we need to sum up God.


O God of love and new life, thrill us with you eternal presence and call us out of our need to control who you are becoming among us.  Amen.









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