Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for January 29, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as in our shoes. If you have any comments - .


God as in our shoes is the incarnation - it is the presentation - it is the life of baptism - it is the way of witness and martyrdom. God as in our shoes will be me and you taking on the world as though the world is about to turn into something other than the way the world is right now. To run through this world and the violence that defines so much of it, means that we will often be led in its ways. And yet, God as in our shoes takes us along the path of non-violence. When we go there, we will stand out. To stand out in such a way is not like being honored. Rather, to stand out because we are a part of this God as in our shoes means that how we act and where we go will not be in sync with the parts of this world that are closest to us. God as in our shoes will cause us to drag our feet with oppression and hatred wants to keep moving at a faster pace. God as in our shoes will keep us grounded when the powers of the day tell us to jump. When we drag our feet and keep grounded like this, we will stand out - be odd - be trouble.


O God of love and new life, trouble the waters of our baptism that we will be reminded of the way you bring life and stir up our hearts. Amen.








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