Monday, July 14, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for July 14, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as in Christ. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as in Christ. This may sound as though it is only for some - only for Christians. I would like to expand that notion. The Christ as the one who heals all things - delivers all things - rescues all things - brings peace as the world does not know peace, is the vision of the Reign of God. That is why people started to label Jesus as the Christ - he was the embodiment of the vision of that one who would come. The Reign of God as in Christ is another way to say that as we enter into the life that fits the Christ - even in the smallest way - we are there in God's Reign. It is not out there to be earned. It is out there to be experience entered. To be "in Christ' is not to be in a protective bubble. It is to be in the middle of a life that can be seen by others and a life that bring character change - conversion - to each of us. The Reign of God as in Christ gives us a handle onto which we can grab. It means there is a life - there is a character - there is a way we are invited to live and as we venture there, we are 'in Christ' - in the Reign of God.


O God of love and new life, we thank you for inviting us into your being - the presence of your whole vision - your Reign of life eternal. Amen.








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