Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for July 22, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as victory. If you have any comments - adebelak@redeemerluth.com .


The Reign of God as victory asks the 'other side' what is needed for peace to reign among us. It is a dialogue that is always moving toward the well-being of the other and ourselves. This kind of victory will insist on sacrifice by all because we will all need to redefine what makes for life that will truly bring the rest that peace is meant to hand us. The Reign of God as victory does not enter into such a dialogue as though one side has more power or a greater claim on how things will be resolved. This victory will come as both sides come to the end of the dialogue and can honestly feel a peace and know that there can be rest for all. The Reign of God as victory becomes a never-ending dialogue. For as we all know, there will be this or that happening around us that is able to tip the boat or knock over what we all spent time creating. So the talk must always be open and the openness must be willing to re-evaluate how time changes what victory for all may mean.


O God of love and new life, inspire us to be watchful of how peace may need to expand among us so that we are never pulled into the old patterns of warfare.  Amen.








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