Monday, July 21, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for July 21, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as victory. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as victory is something I am borrowing from a comment made by James Alison. In the world, the victorious are those who have been able to subdue or defeat the other. When we see the Reign of God as victory, we must take another look at what victory means. No longer is it something that is accomplished over and against another person or another people. The Reign of God as victory is when those who would be on opposite sides - in which there would usually be warfare and death and victors - find themselves involved in the work of reconciliation. Therefore, the conflict in Israel and Gaza will only be considered a 'victory' if there is reconciliation and justice and peace and healing. If that is not the victory, it is not a victory that gives witness to the Reign of God. Instead, it is the same victory that brings death and threat of death and the inhumane treatment of one people by another. Neither side can make a claim to be God's people. The Reign of God as victory opens up space for something new to emerge and grow. Death is not a part of the calculation within this newness. Victory is about life for all and the well-being of all. We cannot move into that character of the Reign of God as victory when we wave guns, drive tanks, fly loaded drones, and operate out of threat. For when we act in that pattern, we show just how much we are unable or unwilling to reside in God's Reign.


O God of love and new life, teach us to share the victory that heals our humanity and the world. Amen.








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