Wednesday, December 15, 2004

16 December 2004

We begin with another piece from "A Passion for the Possible" by William Sloan Coffin.

More clearly than most other institutions, churches should see that it is our pride-swollen faces that close up our eyes, that no nation is well served by illusions of its righteousness. All nations make decisions based on self-interest and then defend them in the name of morality. Saint Augustine gave excellent advice not only to individuals but to nations as well wh he said, "Never fight evil as if it were something that arose totally outside of yourself." He was reflecting Saint Paul's "all have sinned and fallen short."

This brings up a odd situation that seems to be very prevalent in today's national scene. We have religious leaders in this country claiming that the U.S. is divinely ordained to carry out the will of God in today's world. Religious groups are using God language to prop up the illusions of national righteousness that rise quickly when powers want things to go their way. If we are the people who follow the one who would not let the illusions of Rome or Israel or the religious establishment have their way with God's people, then why do we let so-called religious voices bless and condone the actions of our government even when it has nothing to do with the vision of the Reign of God. When was the last time you heard those who claim to be our leaders, admit to our part in the brokenness of our planet. Rather, we will claim it is the fault of others...others who must be destroyed. Would peace come about in a more creative fashion if we used both our power and our humility to bring about radical new solutions to the deadly situations around us?

Connection: Don't settle for religious language that tries to justify the actions of government. Instead, take the time to look more deeply at what is being supported and take note as to who and what is benefiting from what is usually nothing more than self-justification.

Healer of our lives, in a world that seeks to keep up the dividing lines we have come to call normal, you call us to step over those lines and repent of the many ways we work desperately to create those lines and thus be a part of the evil of the world. Forgive us and encourage us to step out of the grasp of our grand illusions. Amen.

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